Sunday 8 June 2014

Planned Weapon Placement

I've spent most of this weekend lurking on Ebay hoovering up Dark Eldar Venoms and old Harlequins to make the numbers up for the planned Unbound Harlequin army, I think you can call this my mid-life crisis army as Harlequins were the first army I had. While I was keeping one eye on that and one eye on the Candian GP (come on Massa!) I was also getting the underslung weapons mounted to the Dread.
I started out magneting the outside of the powerfists, I got the mags reversed so the guns will only go on one side each, I need to use one of my melta guns to give me that option for the Death Company/ Furioso Dread. I green stuffed the magnets onto both flamers and storm  bolters and left those to cure over night. Today I dug out the Wytches to see if I can pass them off as Harlequins as well. I painted the guns and tried them on the fists, I also painted the magnets on the power fists. This is a nice little conversion and I do like how this looks as I prefer guns on the outside of wrists.

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