Saturday 19 July 2014

WIP 17&18 of July

Early weekend for me this week, Thursday and Friday, ment I got some stuff done for the Carnival and watched some films with my youngest on Thursday and got a couple of things finished on Friday, as well as picking up Star Trek Attack Wing which I'll cover in the week. Painting wise I got the 2nd Chorus Troupe Leader finished and one Trouper both using a mix of blues, black and orange, the Troupe Leader got a stripes the first Trouper got blocks of colour. A mate gave me a spare shuriken cannon that I've mounted on the 3rd Venom. I sprayed the 2nd Wraith Lord black and did the weapons in my usual bone colour and added some bone coloured bits as well, I've also finished the Razorwing which I'm saying is a part of the Death Jesters Troupe.

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