Monday 1 September 2014

Shoulder To The Wheel

Got back home yesterday afternoon, holiday photos are on G+, my daughters got threw Customs dedpite plundering an ancient Portugiese Roman Villa, joke all we took where almonds off the ground. So once back in and fed, I left them at their mums while I went and caught up on some painting.
I started by painting the 3rd Chorus yellow, not shown as I'll feature those later when more is done on them. With The Star Players I got the Dr. Freeze (white & blue), Deathstroke (orange & black) & Mad Hatter painted up last night. This just leaves Bane ( the Homnoculus is still not in the web store), Poison Ivy which I'll be adding some more twigs to/buying a new brush to detail with to match the source image and Scarecrow (the claw hand from the Homnoculus looks handy for this one or I could cut off the sword, find some knives and make a claw that way, if it looks crap I'll cut it off and add the claw when the Homnoculus comes back on the web store), to do and I can paint the Scarecrow today alongside the 3rd Chorus.

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