Saturday 27 September 2014

Dread Full Service Resumes

Some may have seen my post yesterday about the Chaos Dreads up to but not including the Helbrute (yet), while some of this weeks posts will cover my collection of Dreads. Yes I got them all out to photo yesterday AND I worked out 2 ways to use the 4 weapon Mission Dreadnought fella, either play him as a Mortis pattern in the Lions Blades colours (or a sculpted quad gun mount) or and part of the same thing knock up a close combat weapon for one mount and use the other with the plasma/flamer and 2 las cannon/auto cannons/Heavy Bolters magneted to the upper mounts and use it as a normal Dread in one of the other armies.
First up the Chuck's evolution from tiny metal to big big resin along side shots of whats on my table today.
First up 3 of my Deathwing Knights to show the variety you used to get, wide shouldered short legs, narrow shoulders long legs and long legged wide shoulders.
The first Helbrute, the Chaos Chuck as I've said this one is being played as a Lord in Terminator Armour so has the Chucks arm with twin linked bolters over the plasma cannon.
And lastly the Grandson of them all the Forge World Contemptor. My next one is going to be the Dark Angel version that they'll bring out someday.

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