Friday 26 September 2014

I Do Not Have A Problem

Well apart from needing a longer kitchen counter. With the Chaos Chuck finished and the Space Crusade Mission Dreadnought arrived I thought I'd take a minute too post the Chaos Dreadnought Family Tree, at least as far as the old metal. The Chaos Chuck was the first Chaos dread as far as I'm aware it only came with the plasma cannon and claw, I've added here a standard dreadnought arm with twin linked bolters as I'm running this as a Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour and there are no plasma options for the Chaos Lord. Next is the 2 versions of the plastic Dread from Space Crusade and the over weaponed version from the Mission Dreadnought supplement, although I have seen a version with longer legs but I'm not chasing that one down honestly, and lastly so far the 2nd ed metal Chaos Dread. I have a Dark Vengence Helbrute on watch on ebay that I may bid forvif it's not too much at the end to add to this party.


  1. Those new models are terrifying and unsettling. Do not want to end up near one of those in a dark alley.

    1. It's almost a pokemon thing I want at least one of them all! Good jod I never got into Warmachine I'd have Jacks all over my house...
