Saturday 25 October 2014

Irillyth, Spear Of Twilight

As my little treat for finishing the monthly vow, I let myself paint this lovely, lovely little Forge World mini up. I got this one for £7+p&p on ebay which was the sole reason I allowed myself to bid on it.
It came primed black with the streamers painted purple, this showed none of the details on this guy, so I gave it a thin coat of white over which I washed it with the oxide wash. When that had driedbI dry brushed Ushabti Bone, then dry brushed it with Screaming Skull, then a 50/50 mix of Screaming Skull and white, I then did the raised areas with a lite dry brush of Lead Belacher and an edge brush of white. The Spear Of Twight got left after Ushabite Bone stage so I could wash it with sephia then dry brush with Screaming Skull, the vaines and crystal got a coat of white and, when dry, the vaines got a wash if Blood For The Blood God and the crystal got a wash of Oxide. Rules wise I'm using this mini with the Harlequins and Maugan Ra and (ad)useing them as counts as Shadow Specters as the shear movement allowed fits more with  Harlequins.
While I did the base coat of this one I also got the rest of the 'quin army out and did the bases with Bone and the Oxide wash. A whole army with bases painted is a first for me.

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