Monday 6 October 2014

Monthly Vow Time

Yes October is here, with the new month comes a new painting vow. Mine is to get the Dread finished, to paint the Helbrute and to get one of the Raiders painted, add in another 20 Harlequins as well and a busy month has broken out at Casa Del Proxy.
First up the Dread; all weapons I currently have have been magntised, the Legio Heavy Support Squad Auto Cannons have been bought, will check progress on that shortly as have more magnets, I need 2 more heavy bolters butvhave seen the ones I need on ebay, with the Dread being painted it is just a matter of getting weapons maged and painted and part one is completed.
2nd up is the Helbrute, I picked this up yesterday, my local sorting office is trying opening on a Sunday (it's almost like it's the 21st Century or something), and for a snap fit mini I am rather impressed with how it goes together, the long leg is the only big seam that has a gap when fitted. This is the start of a new Chaos army, possibly based around Raven Guard Successor fallen chapter, gone to Chaos but one of the lesser Gods who like Mala fights to stop Chaos whenever and where ever it finds it. The idea for this army comes from the Dark Future novels and Krokodial, Puppet Wars croc helms have been ordered and I'm looking on Scify for Mega Croc films for colouration. Dark Elf bitz may be ordered as well.
Part three is at least 1 DE Raider, that I didn't even start last month. Already made some progress on this guy. Need to paint a Death Jester as well as my Dark Lance gunner. On top of this I'm also doing 20 Harlequins, 10 in green and white checks to match the Mad Hatter and 2 lots of 5, one in black and orange and one in blue and white to show the jet bikers off their machines. The Raider pilots will also match those colours.

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