Thursday 30 October 2014

November Monthly Vow

Nearly the end of the month, and this means a new monthly vow. Giving myself a bigger task for next month, first up is the delicate task of getting cutting those knives off the wytches and getting them on the hand of the Harlequin to make the Star Players Scarecrow. Next up are the green and white 'quins, I'll paint up one of the Death Jesters off the Raiders to match. Next up I plan to mix 5 Harlequins and 5 Wytches and paint 5 in black and orange and 5 in white and blue, both of these squads will be getting a Venom. After that I'm painting up the Glade Guard, I intend to use them as Rangers in an Exodite Eldar Army and all 4 of the Raiders as well. So big month. Plan to fill this out with some Inccubi and another Venom to use in a unit with the Succubus/Solitair, I plan to buy some older Inccubi minis, just to use 3 as the Body Guard.

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