Monday 17 November 2014

500! Carnival Under The Light Of A Blood Red Moon

G500th post and rather than do a joke I thought I'd post up the whole Carnival. Lots of Harlequins incoming.
First photo is the whole Carnival.
2nd is my Death Jesters counts as Shadow Spector
3rd photo isTeam Deathstrike with Raiders and the Troupes.
4th photo is Team Deathstrike in their unmounted role, I do intend to max out the squad with Jet Bikes, and these guys are getting a Venom transport.
5th photo is Troupe 4 with a Raider.Mocking Gaze Of The Laughing God.
6th photo is Troupe 3 with Raider What Are The Civilian Applications.
7th photo is the Mimes with the Raider Sound Of One Hand Clapping.
8th photo is the Wraithlord Fading Light Of The Evening Star.
9th photo is the Wraithlord Ynneads Laughter.
10th photo is the Razorwing Malice Aforethought.
11th is the counts as Vyphers The Maiden, The Mother and The Crone.
12th photo is the Vypher I Blame Your Mother or The Maiden. The gunner is Boudi from Hasslefree Miniatures.
13th photo is the Vypher Lightly Seared On The Reality Grill or The Crone, again the mini is from Hasslefrer Miniatures.
14th photo is the Vypher I Blame Your Mother or The Mother, the gunner is Beach Babe Sally again from Hasslefree Miniatures.
15th photo is Team Freeze.
16th photo is Team Freeze in their Dragoon role, getting a Venom for them in the new year.
17th photo is Troupe 1 with Raider Wisdom Like Silence.
18th photo is Troupe 2 with Raider Zero Gravitas.
19th photo is the Star Players who are currently without a ride, fingers crossed that the Vect Dais rumor is true as The Star Players need a ride or I'm saving up for the Tantalos.
What I have left to buy for this army is 3 more Venoms, one for the HQ option and one each for Deathstrike and Freeze, I'd like to get another Razorwing to go with the other flyer this one from Team Freeze, a Void Raven and maybe a couple of Ravegers to cover full on anti tank fire/bomb magnet.

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