Monday 2 March 2015

Forge World Bulletin #49

Fresh from the Forge, more photos from the Heresy Weekender
Monday 2nd of March, 2015 FORGE WORLD BULLETIN #49 This week I’m taking a final look at the Horus Heresy Weekender. There were some truly stunning entries in this year’s painting competition and I’ve already shown you a few of my favourites in last week’s bulletin. Here’s some more that caught my eye…
The talent displayed at this year’s painting competition was of an incredibly high standard So many of the models entered into the competition looked amazing. There can only be one winner though, and the Horus Heresy Weekender 2015 Best in Show trophy went to Andy Wardle for his expertly painted Loken.
And here's a link to the Gallery over at the Forge World Website Also today after a quick browse of updates on my blog feed I noticed, thanks to Faeit212, that Wild West Exodus has their new Kickstarter up and running and it's funded since yesterday. This is a game I've looked at a few times and wouldn't mind getting into. I blanched at the prices at first, then realised they are in dollars. I am thinking of backing this one, lucky I have a few days left. If you are also thinking of backing this one, here is a link;

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