Friday 10 April 2015

3 Troupers

Beer and BBQ today, alongside getting the 2 Spirit Warriors down stairs and faffed over today if not properly started. What I have got done today was to finish off 3 of the swopped out Wytches in Troupe colours, the orginal miniatures have been shunted into the Troupe of Shadowseers, I posted it up earlier this week. I had 5 Troupes out at first, The League Of Shadows, Troupe Freeze, Troupe Milliner/Mad Hatter, Troupe Greegann and Troupe Scarecrow, I put the Troupers from Freeze and The League Of Shadows away without actually getting a photo, I first dry brushed all 3 with White Scar, then went and got the BBQs and food. Once home I painted the green on the Milliner Trouper before getting the scarlett out for the 2 Troupers from Troupe Greegann. After the pics were taken I washed them lightly with nuln oil.
I also started the last 2 Troupers for Troupe Scarecrow, I must be either drunk, tired or it's dark as the yellow doesn't look to bad. I will post the last 2 up tomorrow.

Troupe Milliner

Troupe Greegann.

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