Saturday 14 November 2015

Missed This

Well that was a big week, Specialist Games studio announced (although don't expect anything before 2018). Now the above image comes a post today on BoLS from the open day that seems largely to have gone under the radar. To me that looks like an epic Warlord Titanic...

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. I'm not a rich man. But I love big battles. If Games Workshop seriously released Epic and Battlefleet Gothic, and I do mean a serious release of armies and models not just a one off box, it would bring me back to buying Games Workshop. So long as most models are plastic and the rules were still good.

  2. As someone who was there on that day - it's a downscaled 3D printed version of the FW Warlord, they said that it was created as part of the design process and would be impossible to mass produce. I don't think it's in any way related to the specialist games announcement...

    1. So a one off? Impossible to mass produce? For a company that has a specialty in mass producing plastic model kits I find that statement full of holes.
