Monday 15 February 2016

More Progress

I started with some colour last night, getting the orange on one and the red on the plastic

Before giving everything a big nuln oil wash, boy do I need to buy the big pot of that next time...

I then dry brushed the plastic Death Company dreadnought with scarlet to get it to where the others are colour wise.

The old metal Furioso dread was also dry brushed with orange and Kharak stone and the shoulders were painted up as normal with opposite colours.

I then painted black inside to show the step away from the old chapter till the honour debt is paid.

I also dry brushed the 2 Space Crusade Dreads with screaming skull and added red detailing on them as well, chapter badge on one side and XIX on the other.
Plan A for these points allowing is to have one of the long legged, 4 mount versions supported by 2 of the short leg versions; when I do get a Deredo I plan to have both 4 weapon mount bodies on short legs and buy some more autocannons and plasma cannons and call them counts as Eddies.

posted from Bloggeroid

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