Wednesday 24 February 2016

The Reason For The Change To Green

Once again the question was raised about why GW changed the colour of the Dark Angels from black to green, so I asked about it in the Oldhammer group on Facebook as some of the old staff from GW are members, and got a few answers as always.

posted from Bloggeroid

1 comment:

  1. Like this topic! Quite interesting fluff and non fluff comments.. let me add a couple more. From Horus Heresy Master of the First audiodrama tells about a practical distinction between Terran Dark Angels (black) and Calibanite ones (green of course).
    And from Lexicanum -if i remember well- they state that the decision to change the color was made short after their homeworld was destroyed, as a remembrance of Caliban's forests.
    Hope we get the real reason!
