Monday 28 March 2016

Productive Night.

Was looking to get some stuff done last night and got a few bits done.

I started the Paladin with plenty of dry brushing, Kharak stone, ushabati bone, screaming skull then white scar lastly was some purple.

I finally found a purpose for the Pirate Ladies from Black Scorpion, I'm making them my Howling Banshees.

The Waywatcher is going into the Rangers unit.

And I then made a start on the mk4 marker, wish I hadn't glued the cape on, I would have got the finish I wanted on the inside that way.

I gave the outside a base coat of ushabati bone then a nuln oil wash then dry brushed with screaming skull, then white skull.

The plume got the same treatment as the inside of the cloak, a base of Khorne red, dry brush of wazdakka and a dry brush with scarlet, before getting the armour painted black.

posted from Bloggeroid

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