Wednesday 20 July 2016


I packed some glue for this one!
I have 2 different builds of this and I'm going to show them in reverse order of which I'm probably going to build.

Not only did the doner give it's jump pack and death spinners it also gave it's arms.
In the end I feel this is over crowded, it might work if I had some of the DE Wytch punch dagger arms spare but for now it really doesn't work.

The Warp Spider Exarch arms in the shoulders with these arms it kind of looses the dynamic look I was after.

So unless I can find 2 punch daggers before work and considering I want to get a few more hours of sleep that's unlikely this is the build I'm going with; twin linked death spinners and Drahzar arms in the shoulder sockets. I just wish I hadn't lost the clawed fiend skull...

posted from Bloggeroid

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