Wednesday 24 August 2016

Cheating A Bit

The Medic I cadged off a mate came without a base, can't complain as it was less than retail, so I scoured ebay looking for 32mm scenic bases and came across a seller selling 10 industrial bases for £2 + 85p postage and packaging.

These came made from black resin, quick scrub and a base dry brush of Tin Bit first.

I then painted the yellow hash plates with a base coat of yellow, and then went over then alternative strips with black.

Some plates got a dry brush with brass scorpion and some with Iron Breaker, I also gave them a nuln oil wash.
The plan with these is to put the officers on these and the objective

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Wow that is a steal for those bases (at that price!). They look great!

  2. These look great, do you have a link to the seller, I can't seem to find them by searching.

    1. I've messaged the seller to check they're okay with me putting a link up; you are searching the Ebay UK site?

    2. Look at this on eBay []
      You might need to copy and paste it...
