Sunday 11 December 2016

Good Enough For Kevin Smith

From the Facebook page of geek icon Kevin Smith;
Holy Sith! #rogueone is unbelievably wonderful! No lie: it is #EmpireStrikesBack great! An excellent chapter in the @starwars universe! LOTS of breathtaking moments and tie-ins to the Saga. But you are not prepared for how fucking epic #darthvader is in this movie. You will flat-out squeal through the last act of Rogue One and the final 10 minutes will show you something you've never seen before that you never knew how much you wanted to see in the first place. Incredible flick! I can't wait to see it again! More of this in the world, less of everything else! #KevinSmith #starwars #harleyquinnsmith

Reason for this is I've run out of money and will have litter or nothing spare to buy till Warhammer World in February next year, and I thought I'd share his review of the film. Also more movies and book reviews alongside FW and GW community news posts are on the boards as I have little in the way of new stuff to paint. For 2 months!

posted from Bloggeroid

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