Friday 17 March 2017

Bandwagon Ho! Part Two

Finished Cypher tonight and will be getting Dragon's Claws out later for a read as a treat, after tea.

Trimulative of the Primarch, minus the Primarch, plan A is look for some cloth for a cloak and do the work on Bigbootey Girlyman next week as a Lion substitute.

And some close ups and flash detail on Cypher, some mates were asking about DA symbols, just the one on the cod piece, and where the sword attaches, it's on the pack and the skulls are molded onto the robe.

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Man Gillman is looking a little fat, and it looks like he smooshed his nose on his helmet real bad. and is that a sunburn? GW these days, that new CEO is a very interesting influence, one could almost call him some kind of pigman.
