Tuesday 7 November 2017

I Find My Lack Of Self Control Disturbing

I was supposed to leaving this for next month, like I was supposed to only watch 1 episode of Stranger Things a week.

So I bought the Gregor Fell Hand from The Burning of Prospero box as a painting project, which got me onto this line.

And I'd already bought one of the metal Bjórn dreads and being ironic I painted it in the Wayne England Thousands Sons colours.
I had planned to strip and repaint the 2nd metal one but liked the paint job on it so decided to let it go, and just swopped the base and trying to remember where that one actually came from.

I went over the bone with Eshin Grey then today gave it a wash of Agrax Earthshade before I started watching Star Trek and Stranger Things and priming the first of the metal chucks, and adding little touches here and there on it.
Next month I still plan to buy the Redemptor Dreadnought and a 3rd Bjórn to really upgrade the old timer.

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