Tuesday 12 December 2017

Monthly Vow, 12th of December to the 12th of January 2018.

Last one for 2017.
To do list, paint Enorm Björn, Timberwolf, base The Hounds and get their razorback painted up, so 3 to paint and a few for basing.
Review time, oh it's mostly Timberwolf and Enorm Björn in my photos gallery. . .

The metal Wolf Scout

The 3 Plague marines from the First Strike box painted up as corrupted Consecraters.

Both Björn and Gregor got a dawnstone dry brush.

Made a start on the bases, as well as fitting in the las cannon dev squad.

Not a trace of the red is showing.

That back view does not look pretty, got a plan to cover the battery with some Cork board, cover with the textured paint and either a lamp post or a smoking explosion marker to hide the wires.

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