Sunday 8 April 2018

The Crew Assemble

Yellow jacket finished for the Harlequins Land Raider.
I've been paid back for half the Harry Potter stuff so I've ordered some more of the game colour sick green that I like to use on a the other part of the land raider.

I started off with an ushabati bone base coat, then gave it a nuln oil wash. When it was dry I gave the whole mini a couple of screaming skull dry brush coats. Then I gave the top half and the towel a light coat of yriel yellow, then 2 light coats of flash gitz yellow, the legs got a couple of light coats of white scar. The weapons got a wash of sepia and a screaming skull dry brush , the plasma pistol got some blue on the coils to make them stand out. The hair is black with various high lights of fenris grey.

Just got the 2 pole cats to do now.

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