Wednesday 19 September 2018


Last time I'm dashing around town picking the magazines up to make a full squad of whatever as I'm just waiting on a confirmation email regarding my subscription, and it's pox walkers next week and I STILL haven't painted the first lot that got First Strike box.
On to the Reivers themselves, got to say these ones went together much better than the first lot I bought, and rather than the clamp pack these came in a box, that also includes the lead bleacher paint, guess who'd just bought some lead bleacher last month, and now had 4 pots of it. . . And I ran out of primer again. So I was able to secure 3 copies that netted me 9 Reivers and with the spare from the Hounds I've got a squad of 10 now to paint up for the Lion's Blades, will throw these in the project box along with the plague marines as they are all starting off black with red bits, hopefully I can knock both of these off in my 3 nights at work this week.
And on a side note I should be expecting my Harry Potter stuff before the end of the month, so with October looking rather Titan heavy some school kids should make a nice change.

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