Monday 3 September 2018

What's In A Name

With little to nothing in the background for the Palidus Mor Legion I've possibly gone off piste and borrowed names for my titans from some of my favourite books, the Culture novels by Iain M Banks, with the exception of the first 2.

Warlord Class.
Palidus Equus
(Pale Horse)
Caeruleum Plurimos
(Blue Meanie )
Inaequale Apocalypse
(Irregular Apocalypse)

Reavor Class
Paulo Nequam
(Little Rascal)
Regium Extenuant Mentis Habitu
(Jaundiced Outlook)
Quaetio Puer
(Problem Child)
Recens Convertere
(Recent Convert)
Ferrugine Aureoli Lucellum
(Steely Glint)

Warhound Class
Silencio Audentes
(Quietly Confident)
Quietus Hospes
(Uninvited Guest)
Utrum Quietio
(Credibility Problem)
Liberi Tenementi Valorem
(Nuisance Value)
Caraque Diligintisume Autem Dolosus Calent
(Thorough But Unreliable)

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