Tuesday 30 October 2018

Firmly Crooked Plans

Plans for this lot.
The Redemptor, Hellblaster and, if there's enough Intercessors to make a squad I'd possibly bulk the numbers up, to be for the Star Leopards chapter.
The Scouts will be grey and not have markings so I could swop them around between The Lion's Blades, The Emperor’s Loyal Hounds Of War and the Ordo Astartes strike force.
The bikes, attack bike and Land Speeder will be painted for The Lion's Blades, need to check how many I have as I might try to get enough copies to get a full squadron of 5, would also try to get enough bikes to get a full squad.
The tank I'm currently undecided on it.
The Inceptors and Aggressors will be painted for The Emperor’s Loyal Hounds Of War.
The Librarian, medic, and maybe the Cataphractii will be going in the Lion's Blades any others will be painted in any colours I like best or maybe sold on.

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