Sunday 14 October 2018

Monthly Vow, 14th October To The 12th Of November

The plan is the plan and here it is, Warlord number 3 and the 4 Warhounds, I'm keeping an eye on Element Games to see when the Reavor Titan is back in stock and will get a 3rd ordered so I can get the 2 full manipuls rounded out. Beyond those I'm planning on finishing the Conquest Lieutenant and the Librarian if/when that lands, I'll also slip some of the Harry Potter stuff in as well.

Review time 

Bloody hell those 20 Intercessors where this month?! Oh no, this was the second squad of 10. 

Next up was a mosh mash of the Plague Marines, Reivers and an objective marker. The marker was the 2 spare Intercessors that I got some suggestions with and ended up painting them as Storm Wardens. 

Then I started the Knights, my plan for them is to keep them in same weapon squads, I'd like to get one of the old Knights for each squad to break up the outline of the squad. 

I managed to pick up 2 of these and sold both for cover price, one went to Germany, the other to America. I've been told the American one has reached its destination 

Thing 1 and Thing 2 were up next, of the 2 classes I've built so far the Reavor is the nicer kit, I'd be happy to do a full manipul of these, the Warlords I'm happy to call a day at 3 off.

And lastly for last month was the 2 Warlords from the GM Box,  Eques Palidus was first and broke me slightly with the off white. Then I did Coercive Umbra which was a lot more fun to do.

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