Monday 12 November 2018

Monthly Vow, The 12th Of November To The 12th Of December

Plan A it's the Firestorm Aggressors this week in Conquest. . . Yep I'm after 4 copies, one to pass onto an agreed buyer and 3 for me, one lot is to round out the Hounds Aggressors to 6 and 6 for the Lion's Blades. After that it's the Death Guard character, now I've actually developed a plan for what I'm keeping from the DG side of this, and I'm going with early heresy colours of white and green, will plan to buy some of that technical typhon corrosion this week, either Wednesday or when I'm down in Manchester on Sunday with my youngest to watch Crimes Of Grindlewald.
The Knight Commander needs finishing and I've got the Harry Potter stuff to start that seems to have slid from this month's agenda, in my defence I did work 255 and a half hours last month, which is only 4.5 hours off being 100 hours over my contracted hours, which left me rather burned out, but with a decent wedge to get Christmas shopping finished in the black Friday sales.

Review Time

Started off with Titans. It's been so long I forget which ones I did this month from the heavy maniple. I know I got Apocalypsis Irregulares done and I think the 2 Reavors as well. . .

Not 40k but a damn lucky find, the alternate future Enterprise D with the Phase Lance mounted under the saucer section, I found this on eBay which was lucky as this version was a subscription only model. It was added to the fleet of Enterprise C, Akira class Thunderchild and The Ghost.  Now just need a Serenity model to round this out.

And back in the room with Reavor 3 for the Venitor light maniple and the 4 Warhounds.

Then it was the Conquest Lieutenant who in the force he's running in is getting a promotion to Captain Sicarus stand in.

Then the subscription landed, I had no plan for the little tank until today, so that's going in next month maybe, and the Librarian got painted for the Lion's Blades.

I ordered some more Inceptors to give me 2 full squads of 6 for The Hounds when those land.

And lastly my Baron arrived and I was able to make a start on it. I picked up the box I'd ordered today so will hopefully get the bits I want fitted,  cannons only rough if the magnets haven't landed yet , and see how it looks.

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