Tuesday 1 January 2019

A Fleshed Out Plan

I've finally figured out a goal for 2019, not an expensive goal as I need to put some cash aside for the youngest's 21st birthday, so with my days off later this week I'll be getting the Lion's Blades out and checking the number of Primaris Astartes I have already,  my plan is to get a full company's worth of Primaris sorted out. I'll also look to flesh out the 1st and 10th Company as I'm certain I have about 50 of each already.
So the plan A: check numbers on the Terminators, Scouts and Primaris and flesh each one out to company level numbers. I'm already fairly sure it'll mostly be Assault Terminators to make those numbers up, scouts I think will be mix of standard and sniper and Primaris is not yet in a position to state what the actual plan is yet.
I think I'll be adding the plasma Warlord, as well as a couple of sprues after they come out, I'm also planning on getting the 2 of the new Reavor Titans, and to finish off that maniple will be a couple of scout titans if a new one gets released. Cabe's Knight banner will get the new ones at some point as well.
If the rumours about Primaris Astartes bikes come true I'll be adding some to the 2nd Company at some point, so the list for these is the Scouts and sniper scouts, medic, Chaplian, Librarian  (done), attack bike and bikes, Land Speeder, Cataphractii Captain, Reivers, Rhino and possibly the Repulser.

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