Saturday 5 January 2019

Another Grey Day

The armoury doors were thrown open this morning and my tanks were let out in the dank, grey light of day. This was assembled with the 7th edition Hammer Of Caliban formation in mind, I still want another Vindicator and a Whirlwind, just for completeness.

2nd Company.

I'm still thinking about getting another 2 Nephilim at some point, with Conquest giving us land speeders I'm hoping to get 3 for a second squadron this one to support the Talon master, the bikes again I'm hoping to get 3 sets to get a full squadron of 8 with the attack bike that comes with it for a total of 4 squadrons. If I'm able to get more bikes I'll eventually get enough bikes to get them supporting squadrons as well.

1st Company.

I was a bit brutal and scrapped several of my conversions this has left me with 45 Terminators in total, 5 with lightening claws, and 40 bolter Terminators, I'm thinking 10 plastic Cataphractii to round that up to 50, which I can see happening this year, the 45 assault Terminators will hopefully get some reinforcements but I honestly think that those will be bumped to 2020.


  1. That's a fine collection, some old school cool a-plenty too. I've assembled a force to rival yours, but less old school RTB goodness, although I've added two full squads of RTB01 and an old MK1b Rhino and a Landspeeder (coincidentally a Ravenwing sculpt). An old Predator still to join the Battle Company, so I'm playing catch up :)


    1. Nice collection and full scale titans, that beats me, mine are just in AT.
