Tuesday 19 February 2019

Brought Up To Date

Updated 3 armies with the 2018 chapter approved, Harlequins were nice and easy now come in at 4,948, Star Leopards which still have a big build list, comes in at 2225, the Chaos army which is split into 2 Detachments, Cypherella Detachment at 1304 and Cato Detachment at
744 and the Hounds coming in at 3683. Just the Ordo Astartes strike force on the smaller side and the whole Lion's Blades to cost up can be sure I'll get the Ordo Astartes done and will make a dent in the Lion's Blades. Was able to get the Ordo Astartes strike force mostly done, just need the Dreadnoughts costing up but without them it's just shy of 3000 points. Over the last 2 nights around working I've concentrated on costing the Lion's Blades, I got the 1st and 2nd Companies done Sunday then realised I needed the Imperial Armour book to cost some of the dreads. With the Heresy dreads, it comes in at 10,096 points, but that is 3 armies.

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