Sunday 24 February 2019

Fits Like A Glove

I'd always wanted to pick up enough of each prototype Terminator Armour to make a squad of 5 of each, but I think that's beyond me patients wise if not financially, so I'm making a squad of lighting claws marines out of them instead.
This one arrived yesterday and got a bath. It hurt to cut the bolter off but it's a good fit, I them spent a good couple of hours with my needle files, hollowing out a space in the claw so it fits over the fist, before fitting the power cable on and green stuffing the claws on.
Fairly sure that's my application for heretech right there.

1 comment:

  1. I have a squad of those Termies, one with Sgt Power Sword. I’m thinking of rebasing on 40mm and giving a modern paint job. Nice find.
