Tuesday 5 February 2019

Flamestorm Aggressors For The Star Leopards

Re-enforcements for a long forgotten Chapter, the Star Leopards, they only got one mention in a tiny bit of fiction when their 3rd Company attack a troupe of Harlequins to reclaim a stolen Land Raider. I did a few units last year for a small Inquisition army after I'd bought and painted a Land Raider for my Harlequins, and now with some spare minis incoming from Conquest I'm adding a couple of squads of Intercessors, Hellblasters and Inceptors to this in the hopes of getting enough units together to refight that old battle. If I get enough of the Redemptor dreads I'll be adding one of them as well. Still need another coat of Tau Ocher on them and then all the detailing to do.

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