Tuesday 12 February 2019


And the last 2 nights work, started the squad yesterday with an ushabati bone base coat on all 6 Reivers, the 5 for the Hounds then got a coat of screaming skull and lastly a nuln oil wash, it was time to call it a night after. Tonight I brought the paints I needed to get second Sgt painted up for the Star Leopards and got the XV -88 base coat on before giving the squad a 2nd screaming skull coat. Once everything was dry the leopard got a coat of Tau Ocher before giving it a layer of troll slayer orange, with bits picked out in blue, the chest skull is green for the 3rd Company and all pouches are black.
The Hounds squad got 2 thin coats of white on, with the pouches and belts being brown to match all the rest, grenades are green and the skull and belt are picked out with brass scorpion. I still need to do the bases, squad markings and chapter badge but I want to double check with the squad I already have before painting and basing so everything matches and I can run them as a squad of 10.


  1. Totally loyal World Eaters... haha, nice scheme

  2. Nothing heretical about The Emperor’s Loyal Hounds Of War .
