Thursday 14 March 2019

Monthly Vow 13th Of March To The 12th Of April

Next up is a Dread Filled Month! Yay! 4 Casterferrum dreads, the 3 old metal chucks to convert to Boltstorm Aggressors, 2 Redemptor dreads and the alternative chuck, which should have the heavy weapon pack by the time I get round to. But before that I have 10 Intercessors to build and paint for the Lion's Blades and a trip down to Warhammer World at the end of the month. REVIEW TIME
First up according to the time line was the Apothecary that had been in the Knights of Blood that I repainted for the Red Scorpions and the Ordo Astartes strike force. Next up was the prototype Terminator that I committed tech heresy on by converting it to have lightening claws.
Then came the other 3, the old scratch build got a touch up, I picked up a Grey Knight that had lightening claws and tweaked one of the Tartarus Terminators, I pulled the heavy flamer apart for this one.
Then we had the Warhounds, Alba Lupus and Regio Grieso, sadly a mate needed some cash so I bought these off him as the start of this year's plan.
I started off by killing one of the spare Knights.
Regio Grieso, or in Low Gothic Grey Area, is referred to as Meat F****r I thought the weapons should be anti personal hence the vulcan mega bolter and flamer.
Alba Lupus gets the usual blu tacked weapons like the other Warhounds.
Having a weekend off was something unusual, I got a shave and condensed the titans back into the core box, I had to chop the templates off the sprue and all the markers, which lead to ms doing the bunkers on Sunday night.
And lastly, and the reason my vow for last month got an extra day, the 2 Conquest Rhinos that I picked up last week and started on Monday, painted Tuesday, but as the hatches only came with the second part which came out today, so I gave myself a little extra time to finish these 2, the 3rd one doesn't come out until April so that'll be done around the Shadowspire boxes.
And lastly a little something oldhammer, one of the images that hooked me on epic and 40k back in the old days.
I just really loved the forced perspective the differing scales allowed.

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