Wednesday 17 April 2019

Conquest Magazine Order

As of issue 30 things started changing a little from the leaked list, my plan is to edit this post as it goes along changing stuff if it needs to be done.
01 - Intercessors and paint.
02 - Plague Marine and paint.
03 - 3 easy build Reivers.
04 - Poxwalkers.
06 - 3 more Plague Marines.
08 - Librarian.
09 - 6 more Poxwalkers.
10 - easy build Myphitic Blight Hauler.
11 - easy build Flamestorm Aggressors.
12 - Foul Blight spawn.
13 - Boxes, barrels and the transport container.
14 - Mechanicus Grey and a dry brush.
15 - Biologist Putrifier.
16 - 2 Intercessors 2 Hellblasters and an Inceptor, the Dark Imperium sprue.
17 - Boxes, barrels and a transport create.
18 - Rakarth Flesh, Mephiston Red.
19 - Lord Felthius & Tainted Cohort.
20 - Munitorium Armoured Containers (16th January).
21 - Primaris Reivers (23rd January).
22 - Astrogranite & Brush (30th January).
Delivery 7
23 - Battlefield Accessories (6th February).
24 - Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought Part 1 (13th February).
25 Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought Part 2 (20th February).
26 - Abbadon Black and Reikland Fleshshade (27th February).
Delivery 8
27 - Chaos Rhino Part 1 (6th March).
28 - Chaos Rhino Part 2 (13th March).
29 - Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour, Primaris Hellblaster Sgt, Primaris Inceptor Sgt, Primaris Intercessor Sgt (20th March).
30 - STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins (27th March).
Delivery 9 31 - Layer Brush , Death Guard Green, Celestial Grey. 32 - Primaris Apothecary. 33 - Thermic Plasma Conduits (10th April). 34 - 4 Plague Marines, Lord of Contagion, Foetid Blight Drone (17th April).
Delivery 10 35 - Primaris Chaplain (1st May).
36 - Athonian Camoshade, steel legion drab, Macragge Blue (8th May)
. 37 - STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins (15th May). 38 - Plague Surgeon, Play Mat (22nd May).
Delivery 11 39 - Primaris Captain (29th May). 40 - Stormhost Silver, Wild rider red and Liberator Gold(5th June). 41 - Plagueburst Crawler Part 1 (12th June). 42 - Plagueburst Crawler Part 2 (19th June).
Delivery 12
43 - Thermic Plasma Regulators (26th June). 44 - Leadbelcher, & Necron Compound (3rd July). 45 - Space Marine Scouts (10th July). 46 - Plague Marines, Lord Of Contagion, Foetid Bloat Drone(17th July).
Delivery 13 47 - Space Marine Landspeeder (24th July). 48 - Space Marine Bike x 2 (31st July). 49 - Abandon Black, Calgar Blue, Ushabti Bone (7th August). 50 - 10 Chaos Cultists (14th August).
Delivery 14 51 - Haemotrope Reactor (21st August). 52 - Martian Ironcrust (28th August). 53 - Space Marine Bike (4th September). 54 - Typhus (11th September).
Delivery 15 55 - Alcomite Stack (18th September). 56 - 5 Primaris Intercessors, Primaris Ancient, Primaris Lieutenant x 2 (25th September). 57 - Temple Guard Blue, Baneblade Brown (2nd October). 58 - Space Marine Attack Bike, Play Mat (9th October).
Delivery 16 59 - 2 Primaris Intercessors, Primaris Inceptor, 2 Primaris Hellblasters (16th October). 60 - 10 Poxwalkers, Plague Marine (23rd October). 61 - Galvanic Servohauler Frame 1 (30th October). 62 - Galvanic Servohauler Frame 2 (6th November).
Delivery 17 63 - 10 Poxwalkers Plague Marine (13th November). 64 - Runefang Steel, Screamer Pink, Nihilakh Oxide (20th November). 65 - Captain in Cataphractii Armour and Chaplain (27th November). 66 - Plague Marine Icon Bearer (4th December).
Delivery 18 67 - Space Marine Scouts with Sniper Rifles (11th December). 68 - Haemotrope Reactor (18th December). 69 - Plague Marine Champion (25th December). 70 - Athonian Camoshade, Ogryn Camo (1st January).
Delivery 19 71 - Sector Imperialis Objectives (8th January). 72 - Chaos Spawn (15th January). 73 - Runefang Steel, Celestra Grey (22nd January). 74 - Tallyman (29th January).
Delivery 20 75 - Primaris Repulsor Part 1 (5th February). 76 - Primaris Repulsor Part 2 (12th February). 77 - Primaris Repulsor Part 3 (19th February). 78 - Primaris Repulsor Part 4 (26th February).
Delivery 21 79 - Galvanic Magnavent Part 1 (5th March). 80 - Galvanic Magnavent Part 2 (12th March).

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