Friday 5 July 2019

A Little Something For Dread Tober

Having a bits and bobs night today, I've got some green stuff curing on the multi purpose Rhino turret for some magnets, there's a pair of heavy bolters, a pair of las cannons, and a couple of assault cannon barrel assemblis for the various razorback options, but the first thing up is the fist for the Contemptor Björn
Having chopped up a couple of dreadnought assault cannon arms I struggled with how to fit them to the turret, I've finessed a couple of small magnets on the front on either side of the autocannon mount and then worked the magnets so the barrels look okay.
The heavy bolters from the sponsons sprue have had a 5mmx1mm magnet fitted and the ammo boxes on the sides of the turret have a magnet as well. Once cured I'll work on the bolters so they fit neatly on the sides.
The last one is the las cannons, but I'm not too sure about this one for the razorback, I think I'll keep the twin tarantula las cannons.

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