Thursday 11 July 2019

Dread Tober Nailed Down

As I've said elsewhere I'm pitching in for Dread Tober this year and have a rough plan, that I've spent the night working out and trying to spend as little cash as possible. Everything listed is already in my house so I don't have to buy it in bar the Word Bearers dread, that one I'm watching something on ebay but if I don't get that I've got one at home I can use.
Core Goals
Redemptor Calgar, Contemptor Björn, White Scar Dreadnought from the Björn Kit, Dark Angel mk4 Mortis and a Salamander Dreadnought from an Ironclad from the Hounds or possibly Sister Stern
Stretch Goal
metal venerable dreadnought for the Ultramarines, metal venerable dreadnought for the Emperor’s Children and either a Forge World resin or an old metal dread for the Word Bearers.
Dream Goal
old metal standard dread, plastic standard and a plastic Venerable dreadnought for Alpha Legion, Raven Guard and Night Lords
Blue Sky Goal
old Blackreach dread for the Iron Hands and a potential a hybrid dread knight Redemptor if the Calgar plan works out.
With the plan roughed up and written in pencil at least, would it be considered cheating if I made a start on some of these conversions before the start of Dread Tober or is that considered cheating?

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