Tuesday 6 August 2019

The Warden In White, Reborn

The Lion's Blades Warden of Rights, The Last Vote , basically all Masters in the Chapter stand before him for selection, if they fail in his estimation they are never seen again. The Lion's Blades took their Chapter icon of the bracketed sword, similar in form to the Crusade era icon, from the plate on his arm. The legend amongst the Chapter is that the orginal pilot was a senior Astartes from the Legion, he guided the Chapter for 4,000 years before he passed away, the rumor says that he'd selected his replacement from within the Chapter, someone who was well versed in the chapters lore, legends and rites, he has been seen recently stalking the halls , listening to current lore and legends, master and marine alike are unsure if he is ensuring continuity or assessing the value of the Primaris Astartes.

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