Thursday 6 February 2020

Finished The Bits

Just a couple of bits left for tonight done, the red engine, the Stormcast and the mortis weapons for the Lion's Blades Dreads.
The red engine is for the Armies on Parade board.
The first of the Stormcast are finally finished. The robes are a Tau Ocher base with a reikland flesh wash, once that's dry I gave them a light coat of flash git yellow. The armour plates are mechanicus grey built up to dawnstone with a fenris grey highlight. The gold trim is retribtor armour with a reikland flesh wash and a gold highlight. I really think these work well together and look close to some of the sun rises we get where I live.
And lastly I got what will be the mortis weapons painted for the Lion's Blades. These will be going on the plasma cannon that's currently on the Death Guard dread, but they might get there via the Battle of Gate IX.

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