Sunday 10 May 2015

Hard(ly) Work(ing)

Saturday morning I got started on the Herald Of Malal's Burning Fury

I had already given it a base coat of Ushabati Bone on Friday night so had plenty of time to go at it on Saturday

So first thing in the morning I washed it with Nuln Oil and the once dry I spent some time dry brushing half of him white, while I was doing that I was also dry brushing the sephia washed Void Weaver

I also got the 2 Ghost Glaves out of the way.

As well as painting the pilot with some orange and black.

I still have to put some orange on the sides yet as well as actually glue the canopy to the keel, but I put it together for this photo with the Hasslefree Miniatures Boudi in the back for my gunner. This gives me 3 more spare Harlequins to use in a Troupe later, just need to check ebay for guns now...

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