Thursday 7 May 2015

Todays WIP

Had some time to myself today to get something done, as well as vote.

I was rather concerned that my 2 Spirit Warriors didn't have Ghost Glaves, so while digging for other bits for the Herald of Malal's Burning Fury, I found some pieces that I could cobble together to make Ghost Glaves, above are the photos of them, not sure if they'll be swopped around or one for each.

Close up with part painted.

This is The Herald of Malal's Buring Fury (Khorn) for my counts as Dæmons army, it's an old metal Champion of Khorne, I have a Destroyer Pistol arm on it's way from ebay to finish this fella off.
As well as the gunners for 2 of the Vypers.

The 3 Vyper/Venoms.

Lots of guns,

Fewer guns.

More guns.

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