Friday 14 September 2018

2nd Intercessor Squad

So after trawling my local paper shops I was able to get enough copies of Conquest to get 2 squads worth of Intercessors, not sure what to do with the 2 spares I've got.
And I brought what had been a bolter death company squad for my sold off Knights of Blood back into the DA with a promotion to Veterans.
The Knight got a paldron marked up and a captain for the Ordo Astartes strike force got glued back together as the head had come off, the bolt pistol arm is glued but the plasma pistol will be left blu tacked for safe storage.
I also picked up 2 copies of issue 2 of Conquest with a plan to make a squad of 7 plague marines, I have 3 already from the First Strike box painted up for The Consecraters with a plan to add them to the Cypher Chosen Detachment and his Marneus Calgar Dæmon Prince allie.

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