Wednesday 12 September 2018

Monthly Vow, 12th of September To The 12th Of October

Well I chose not to start my titans yet when I found out that the Reivers were due in September, so I can get the big stuff started all at once and also because I'm waiting for magnets on the slow boat from Hong Kong. . . So to do, 8 Knights, 2 Warlords and the 2 Reavors, I've heard a whisper that Warhounds are due in early October which I think will mean they get bumped into October - November Vow along with the planned 3rd Warlord.

Review Time
I started out with the 2 of the 3 surviving dreads from the Knights of Blood , I did the metal venerable dreadnought for the Iron Hands chapter and the easy build Redemptor Dreadnought for the Mentors Chapter, both of these are now in the Ordo Astartes strike force box.
The Tomb Queen arrived, which ment I was able to finish the boots on the ground, for the Harlequins army. I also took the chance to base line the armies I have this month.
I started building one of the Knights to see how it went together and then took a break to read Master of Mankind I got that painted this week.
Before I got onto the Knight I did a couple of Harlequins, just for fun, and I had a "to hell with it" moment when I did the maths and it ran to £14 for 21 Primaris Astartes, and with the one spare I had I've now got 2 squads of Intercessors for the Lion's Blades. Also I touched up what had been the Death Company as a Veterans Squad for the Lion's Blades. I managed to get one squad painted today, and I need to get a bright blub for work so I can see what I'm doing with the second squad.

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