Friday, 30 September 2011
*note for Americans and others WHSmiths is a national chain of news agents selling news papers, magazines, books and more recently toys. And where one of the first stores to tell you what you could and couldn't buy.
First Order

Post and Packageing is very good, £2.50 for GB and Europe and £3.50 for the rest of the world. Will of course let you know how the service was from them and the quailty of the products as well.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Contemptor Weapons
here's the post
Si Newsham
Hi folks, gonna order a few different Contemptor arms, but would really like the Mulit-Melta arm too. Is it worth waiting or will it be a while before they are released? My money is burning a hole in my pocket.... I needz more FW stuff
LikeUnlike · · Tuesday at 20:34
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Forge World It will be within the month, Si
Tuesday at 20:36 · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading...
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Si Newsham Goodbye paycheck!! Thanks guys :)
Tuesday at 20:37 · Like
I don't know how many of you are on facebook but it is a good idea to keep an eye on the Forge World page as it has a lot of people posting thier pics of the modles done and you do sometimes get some information out of the guys that are talking to you.
there's a link and you have to like it.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
New Ideas and a new compnay

Well new to me at least, not heard of Hasslefree Minitures before I'd had a look round Wayland Games before, but I'm glad I did, as I think I have found my next Squad of Chosen for the Black Sisterhood. And a shed load cheaper than GW. Yes I do know that this means I'll not be able to use them at a GW shop or 'Serious GW' Tourney, but hell I don't see anyone having an issue in friendlies and club games, as long as it's made clear that it's a counts as squad.
And here is a helpful little link to their web site.
Monday, 26 September 2011
Mk1 Land Raider and Predator
This is also the model that the Land Raider Protus is based on.
The Colours of Cowardice
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Mechanised Infantry part 2
This is a picture of my Mechanised Infantry for Gadens Skittarii, they are an elite choice in the renegade army list they are Deciples of Xaphan. In the as well as the squad is the Enforcer armed with a Power Fist and Plasma Pistol who along with the Veteran, the Android looking model next to the Enforce made from the Space Marine Scout, are designed to take out armour. Just need a Chimera now to transport them in. This army ahas left me thinking now that I may need to split my Android force from my Skittarii Force and have an extra army as the Marine/ Android elements are now not allowed ion the positions I have them in.
Yes I know, another dirty hack job and photo, this photo maybe a double of one.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Mechanised Infantry
The unit itself is basic enough, just head and arm swops and the plasma guns are actually melta guns, as I've currently run out of meltas, the rest of the squad are armed with pistols and close combat weapons and will be lead by an Enforcer with a Power Fist and my Andriod/skele torso and armed, Necron headed conversion that was only made after I'd taken the photo.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
This is Spartan

Don't know how many of you are registered to the Forge World mailing list, but I got mine through yesterday and had a good long look at the Land Raider Proteus and thought back to the anicent White Dwarf artical that showed you how to convert the Mk1 Land Raider, which was bascially a tank back then, into something with a transport capacity by mixing the kits of the Land Raider and the mk 1 Rhino together. You ended up with the tracks of the Land Raider and the body of the Rhino . There was a 2nd conversion that used the other bits to make another tank that I no longer remember what that was. The top pic is of the orginal MK1 Land Raider and is to show you what it looks like, the bottom picture is of the Spartan Conversion. Now I'd buy that tank and try to put it together like the Spartan just to see if I could.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Total Points of The Reavors Warband.
One full company of Chaos Space Marines with 4 HQ choices, 7 Elite choices, 4 Heavy Support choices, 3 Fast Attack choices and 6 Troop choices totalling 4632 points.

The Black Sisters, my elitest section so far and will carry on being so till the rumored plastics arrived, have 2 HQ choices and 3 Elite choices, 1 squard of Chosen and 2 squads of Terminators totalling 1133.
Hudsen Gaden army totals 1911 which includes the Poxy Proxy Banehammer.

The Iron Warriors have 2 HQ choices, 2 Elites choices including the Contemptor, 3 Havoc squads and 4 Troop choices, totaling 2070.

My Knights of Blood have 3 HQ choices, my metal Terminator Librarian, a scratch built Terminator with Lightning Claws and a scratch built model to represent Gabriel Seth. The 2 Elites are a Sternguard Squad and my Furioso Librarian with 4 Troops, 2 Tactical Squads and 2 Assault Squads, totaling 1890 points.

Lastly there is my Khorne Berzerkers which has only 3 units 1 Lord with Daemon Weapon, Plasma Pistol mounted on a sword and a jump pack with twin linked bolters mounted on it and 2 5 man Berzerker squads with Rhino Transports, totaling 640 points.
All told this little lot rocks up at 321 models and 12276 points with more to be added. Think I'm going to need more storage soon. Because of 6th Ed and natural evoluation of ideas this isn't how my armies look now.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Total Points Of The Reavors Warband
Total Points of The Reavors Warband.
Had a couple of hours this evening, so sat down with my army lists and my collection to see how much in total I've actually got.
One full company of Chaos Space Marines with 4 HQ choices, 7 Elite choices, 4 Heavy Support choices, 3 Fast Attack choices and 6 Troop choices totalling 4632 points.
The Black Sisters, my elitest section so far and will carry on being so till the rumored plastics arrived, have 2 HQ choices and 3 Elite choices, 1 squard of Chosen and 2 squads of Terminators totalling 1133.
Hudsen Gaden army totals 1911 which includes the Poxy Proxy Banehammer.
The Iron Warriors have 2 HQ choices, 2 Elites choices including the Contemptor, 3 Havoc squads and 4 Troop choices, totaling 2070.
My Knights of Blood have 3 HQ choices, my metal Terminator Librarian, a scratch built Terminator with Lightning Claws and a scratch built model to represent Gabriel Seth. The 2 Elites are a Sternguard Squad and my Furioso Librarian with 4 Troops, 2 Tactical Squads and 2 Assault Squads, totaling 1890 points.
Lastly there is my Khorne Berzerkers which has only 3 units 1 Lord with Daemon Weapon, Plasma Pistol mounted on a sword and a jump pack with twin linked bolters mounted on it and 2 5 man Berzerker squads with Rhino Transports, totaling 640 points.
All told this little lot rocks up at 321 models and 12276 points with more to be added. Think I'm going to need more storage soon.
If you are still reading this post, everything has now changed. The XIX are now firmly Loyal, the Iron Warriors have gone and the Knights of Blood are back, there is a Fallen Angel Army that I intend to use as a Horus Heresy army if my group ever get into 30k. I have a Codex army as well.
Waste Not Want Not
Khorne Lord
Friday, 9 September 2011
Big, expensive, Idea

Being sat at home all the time is not doing me any favours...
I was sat around the other day thinking of where to go with my Iron Warriors, and looking into the background of them in the Index Astarte's and how they where Siege Specialist, and what with my idea for them to be based on the Blood Angel Codex I've progressed plan into Apocalypse formations now.
FORMATION- 1 Contemptor with Heavy Gravaton Beamer and 2 Havoc squads
1 Contemptor with Close Combat Weapons 2 Assault Squads
1 Contemptor with Close Combat Weapons 2 Assault Squads
The plan would be that the Ranged Formation sits back and blows holes into the armour/ bunkers with their ranged weapons and then the Close Quarters Formations move up, the assault squads moving the same distance as the Contemptor to get at what remains of the armour/ bunker and who ever was inside. May just give the ranged Contemptor the Cyclone Missile Launcher as well for more punch...
Of course to make this I'd go more with Forge World models, 1 of the Mk5 armour with jump packs and 3 of the Mk2 with jump packs and mix them up a touch. but of course this is not going to be cheap...
Thursday, 8 September 2011
This Week I have Mostly Been...
Hi Forge World, will the rules for the Chaos Contemptor also be in Imperial Armour Apocalypes vol 2?
Forge World Hi Paul,
Imperial Armour Apocalypse Second Edition, to be exact :)
Yesterday at 08:57 · LikeUnlike
Mike Leach when will that be released?
20 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Forge World Soon :)
16 hours ago · Like
Hi again Forge World, when, if you can say that is, is Imperial Armour Apocalypes 2nd being released?
LikeUnlike · · 19 hours ago · Privacy:Shared with: Public
Daniel Grosjean likes this.
Forge World It's at the printers at the moment, Paul, so sometime in the next few months we hope.
16 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personDaniel Grosjean likes this.
Paul Harris Thanks! One more christmas present for me sorted!
15 hours ago · Like
Hi again Forge World, you've already said that the IAA2 will feature the rules for Mortis style Contemptor and the Chaos Contemptor, when the book is released will you also be bringing out some Chaos Contemptor parts? Just so my next one doesn't end up with a botched file job on the body where I've had to take the Aquila off.
LikeUnlike · · about an hour ago · Privacy:Shared with: Public
Forge World Hi Paul,
We do indeed plan to design a Chaos Contemptor eventually, but as we've not yet started this project we don't have a release date for it.
33 minutes ago · Like
And the post that started me thinking
Marc Jeffrey
Quick question, are we still waiting for a rule update for the Contemptor that allows it to duel wield? I'd like to know before I order two sets of weapons.
LikeUnlike · · Tuesday at 23:04
2 people like this.
Murdo McDonald agreed!
Tuesday at 23:21 · LikeUnlike
Forge World Hi Marc,
Rules for the Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought will be included in the forthcoming Imperial Armour Apocalypse Second Edition.
Tuesday at 23:23 · LikeUnlike
Murdo McDonald so there will be no further info on the site with the rules for this bad boy then?
Tuesday at 23:24 · LikeUnlike
Murdo McDonald on a second note! it can easily! since already photos on the site show it weilding two of the assault cannons!
Tuesday at 23:25 · LikeUnlike
Daniel Pidge Oooh, pre orders for IA 2nd ed come out when? It's all about the kheres Mortis contemptors with cyclone missile launchers!
Tuesday at 23:28 · LikeUnlike
Murdo McDonald but this shows with the TL HB ;)
Tuesday at 23:30 · LikeUnlike
Pablo Caballero How much will the book cost in the United States
Yesterday at 00:04 · LikeUnlike
Forge World We haven't set a GBP price yet Pablo, so we don't know how much it will cost in the US.
21 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Murdo McDonald once day? :)
19 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Tom Wassermann Yeah
Monday, 5 September 2011
Plan for Gadens Skittarii

My plan for Gadens Skittarii is to have a body guard of Terminators, converted from Necron Priahas. Now should I take the risk and hold off buying the metal mini I like to see if I the look of the new replacement? Worse comes to the worse and I don't like it I can keep my eye's on ebay for the one I want.
Not letting myself buy this one
Friday, 2 September 2011
Khorne Berzerkers
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Knights Of Blood Painted Strenght

In this photo are my HQ section, one counts as Seth, one Captain in Terminator Armour, and the metal Librarian that I had forgotten I had along with the Honour Guard unit under them. Next is my Sternguard Squad followed by the 2 Troop Choices

This photo shows my Assault Squads, the jump packs can be used on either the XIX or these guys or the Rhinos will be shared, my Razorback and my Furioso Librarian Dreadnought
Gadens Skittarii Painted Strenght

In this photo are my, I now know to be, 2nd Edition Necrons masquardeing as Chaos Androids, some Space Crusade Chaos Andriods, bought as Necrons, 2 Pariahs being used as Terminators, my converted Tech Marine, my converted Blood Bowl Wraith, 3 Scouts being used as Enforcers and the Titan Tech Priest. And 2 Havoc Squads, I'd forgotten them

This photo shows my 2nd troop squad with the scratch built Tech Priest made from a Marine Scout body Tau Fire Warrior head and various bits from my biots box along side the Poxy Proxy Banehammer