Well that was a busy weekend for Necron leaks and as a result of that my plans have been altered once again. Looking at what has been leaked I'm planning on taking this army on and buiolding a force that can be played in, at least 3 ways. Looking through my pile of Codices at home I found the Dark Angels again and remembered an odd itme from it, that Scouts are an Elite choice, seeing the guys below I thought I could use them as Scouts with sniper rifles right off.

So planning for this I can play this army 3 ways-
1 as Loyal 'Marines' from the Dark Angels
2 as Chaos Marine
3 as your actual Necrons. I know me playing an army from a Codex with no conversion work!
I'm really looking forward to the release of the Codex, although I'm going to have to wait till Christmas to get my copy of it and after christmas till I can start buying any models for this army as well. But I feel that I can wait for that, just hope my talent is up to the project!