I'm slowly working my way through the 10 Compnaies of the Lions Blades, I've got the 3rd and a 1/4 of the 1st Company done already, so my next poject/target is to get some of my Ravenwing done. As the Ravenwing are a massivly mobile force I'm looking at bikes and other stuff I can use to give me some options when it comes to making these guys.
As usual I was rooting through my
clubs bits box when i came accross a couple of horses, there's at least one more so I can take that as well to give me a Squad of 3 that I'll use as my Command Squad for now, then I'll use them as Company Veterans. The idea for this came out of the background I've got written down for the Chapter in that one of the worlds they recruit from has Knights and these horses have just been gene breed to be bigger and tougher than standard horses.
The big idea is to use a box of the Demigryph's as mounts for my Command Squad with the 2nd Company Commander ridding the Kev White sculpted Demigryph

with some wings added, the rest of the Command Squad will be on standard boxed models

As it stands now I have 3 counts as bikes, 2 on horse back and one on a lizard type thing, one counts as an attack bike made from a big buggy thing that was for Spiderman and one bike with a Librarian one it.
Demigryph image "borrowed" from