Now I have somones attention, these are the female Pirates I bought from Black Scorpion Miniatures, as a small company I had to wait a week 10 days to get them, but they where worth the wait.
This top pic is how the 5 came out of the boxthe 3 girls above each other are ear makred as Squad leaders for now. the one with the Bee Hive and musket is my Void Dreamer, Myst'ral and the Skele is my Corsair Princess The Comtessa Sirocco

This shows the ladies part worked on, I've added a pony tail to the Comtessa, this also contains her Shadowfield, Myst'ral has had the musket cut down and filed half off to give me more surface area to glue on the Tomb King sword blade, I've also cut the flint lock off and gave it a quick brush with a file to make it look like a swords tang rather than a musket stock. The 2 models with guns and swords had the flint lock pistols cut off and replaced with splinter pistols, the model with 2 pistols has had no work done it it

This is show casing the 2 HQ miniatures in the Army, the first is just showing what work has been done, this is still early green stuffed pony tail and blu taced sword stage of work

These 2 photos are showing all the work I've done on these 2 minis. So I've already talked about the work done on them, so this is the end paint job. Each model has been based coated white, then a Sepia wash was added, a touch of Ice Blue ( I am going to have to buy the new version of Ice Blue soon and will be using that on the Squads). I then touched up the white areas and then gave the cloak and coat a nuln oil wash. I then 3 spent hours dry brushing both of them while I watch the last Once Upon A Time, Peter Kay Live in Manchester and Bad Sugar on Sunday night. Just have to hope my photos can show my meger talant off.

Edit; here is a link to the Companies web site as well