So I won some of the old school Harlequins off of ebay and have been painting them up slowly 5 as Mimes with a Master Mime, here is the Master Mime, a character that really needed a model I felt
This is the squad as was I've trimed it down to 5 as you can see below, it doesn't show up to well but they have all got a dark mix on at least one part of the mini. My next project is to give the power fist model a Harlequin Kiss, which will be a knife and some green stuff.
This photo is the squad with the High Warlock, who , most likely, will be operationg with them most as the Veil of Tears will help to get them into combat
As you can see the High Warlock has a very different colour scheme to my normal work well I was watching the news in the morning at work when I saw the barcelona fc away kit 2012/13 and thought I'd like to try that.
Partly done.
I'm rather pleased with how this has worked
And here we have something I've had kicking around in my head for a very long time. Years ago, just about the time Hercules, The Legendary Jounrey and Xena Warrior Princess finished the production team made another series called Cloepatra 2525, about some kick ass woman going around a tunnel system beating up the bad guys, now the character here is Creegan one of the regular bad guys in this program, he'd been sold out by the person that ran the team and wanted revenge on who ever it was by turning the girls away from the leader, Voice I think it was called. So for years I've had this guy sat in my head popping up every now and then saying use me for something.

So over the years he's been ignored mostly although he did pop up as a bad guy in a fiction thing I was working years ago and ran out of steam with, he's also part of the foundation for my latest character in the RPG I'm playing in round at my mates house, along with Frank from the Transporter series. He's now also the insperation behind my Troupe leader.
And lastly to this the Barcelona Home shirt, I found this one while I was looking for the spelling of Barcelona and thought I'd add it as well as one of the next Harlequins I use will be painted up in these colours