So after nearly 3 weeks off from blogging I'm back with a post! Hi miss me? Notice I was gone? Thought not... Anyway shoulder is back to the wheel and I'm grinding on with my Chaos army, top is my 2nd bike squadron, while checking the Y Geiriadur album I have on the Dark Angel facebook page I noticed that I hadn't actually got of photo of the first squadron or the 2 Marine Squads either so need to update those as well,one squad of Chosen, these used to be a senior assault squad in the Lions Blades who 1 battle held up a squad of Genestealers and I made them into the squad below, and used the bodies to makethese guys, this squad has been given 4 plasma pistols and one has a flamer, all with Veteran of the Long War rule. Also 2 of my Obliterator Conversions, green stuffed there upper bodies to give them a coat and shoulder pads, these guys came from ebay and had already had the guns converted and I have a metal Bonehead that will also be used in this squad.

My upgraded Company Vets, took the swords off what have now become the Chosen for Y Geiriadur and given them to 5 robed bodies I had in my carry case. The Sgt has a double lenght chain blade, this is a new one I made for him from 2 Chaos chain swords, next is 2 standard chain swords just glued together, 3rd is to standard chain sword glued back to back, 4th is an ork chopper fitted to a chain axe haft and the 5th is a chain saw that I found in a bitz box. All bar 2 have a secondary weapon as well and will bw goin through my sword collection to find a couple of blades that will look good on these guys. The shields are fro a Tomb King bag I picked up on ebay that I really need to go threw properly painted up in The Lions Blades 3rd Company colours, the middle mini has a shield on his back already so didn't get one, when possibly these will count as Storm Shields when points allow.