So after spending over 50 pounds on it, weeks modeling it and months waiting to get it in a game, just how did my Contemptor do on the table top? Read the following Battle Report to find out.
4 way game with Chaos Marines, Orks, 'nids and my own XIX Chapter, played as Loyal for the purpose of this game. Before the game started it was decided to play side against side, so Loyal Marines where fighting beside filthy Orks and World Eaters where fighting along side 'nid's. At this point it becomes pretty much me against the nid's as that's were my focus was.

Table Quarters.
Orks and nids had trouble getting everything where they wanted it, Chaos and myself less so.
Nids and Chaos went first moving and running forward with nither player shooting. Orks moved and shot, I moved my heavy weapon combat squads into cover and then fired with everything else. I took out 5 gaunts with my first round of shooting. As the gaunts were in Synaps range they where fine.
Again Nids swarmed forward and Termagaunts and Hormagaunts ran along with the Warriors, the Zoanthropes moved and the reinforcement roll allowed an out flanking unit of Genestealers to come onto the table right behind my line. The Zoanthropes fired their Warp Blasts at the Contemptor, missing with 1 shot and failing to damage with the other 2 shots. At this point I'd stopped looking at the other half of the table as stealers behind my lines forced me to focus. I moved 2 combat squads back along with my Company Master to take on the stealers. My 3 light combat squad and my Contemptor again fired into the gaunts taking out only 2 this time. My heavy combat squads fired as well at the gaunts, Heavy Bolter team at the Hormagaunts and the Missile Team at the Termagaunts both taking out a few, shooting not so great so far. Last bit of shooting was at the 'stealers. Both combat squads had flamers and my CM had a Stormbolter the rest fired their bolt pistols taking out most of the 'stealers

Then I assaulted which took out what was left and putting 2 wounds onto the Brood Lord leading the squad
'nids once more advanced, this time shooting with the Termagaunts as well as the Zoanthropes, the Zoanthropes this time managed to get 2 hits and 1 glance and one penertrating but after all results where worked out all that happened was a crew stunned, which was reduced to sheaken with the Extra Armour I'd bought for the Contemptor. The Termagaunts shooting did nothing.
My turn, my Contemptor was doing nothing so i shot again with everything I had taking down more Hormagaunts this time, leaving only one. The heavy bolter team shot at the Warriors this time, putting a couple of wounds on them and the missile team fired at the Ripper swarm, taking out one base.
In the assault my CM and the 2 combat squads threw enough attacks at the Brood Lord to take it down. My consoldaction moves took the squads around one side of the Contepmtor and the CM round the other side to back up the 3rd combat squad, as they
were about to be charged by the last remaining gaunt.

see next post